Thursday, September 23, 2010

.sinners in the hand of angry god.

In our world, our faith is what we survive off of. In reading Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God by Jonathan Edwards, I’ve come to realize how much a person’s faith can control their lives. This sermon speaks on how God’s Watergates and fury can come rushing onto you, in the fact of a mistake that you made. A mistake against God’s will and that one error in your ways can mean a life in Heaven or a Life in Hell! Oh how strict and how much self-discipline someone must have to do this, and in how much fear someone would be in.
 In certain religions, God is just waiting for you to make a mistake or do an evil deed and squash you like a bug if you do. A person can go crazy from living like that, to always say the right words and act the right way, even dress in such a pure way. If one wrong word and BOOM God has released his wrath upon your head!
 In the sermon Edward point to many things that God can do to strike you down. He says God holds you like a puppet by strings and in one instance after doing a wrong being dropped and killed by him. This is quite a terrible concept. To be condemned forever by just one error. Also that God has his hand covering the waters of wrath and will unleash them gates once a following of his no longer decides to obey.
 I know if now we were in a such a harsh, strict religion especially in this time, many people would not be able to control themselves. We now live in such a free and uncontroling environment, that many of us don’t pay attention to the  rules that were made so long ago. But could you do it? Could you handle knowing at the hands of God, you could be saved or condemned?

1 comment:

  1. No I could not. I actually kind of did think that once when I was really little, but I don't remember anything about it.
