Thursday, September 16, 2010

.there goes the neighborhood.

Not any two people are just alike, and in that sense they don’t agree on things all the time. There goes the neighborhood is what this is all about. From personal experience, I know how a clash of two people can totally make people wary about how they should react or be around a group of people.

 I used to live in Middleton, TN, which is next to the Mississippi border. A very small rural town, so everybody knew everybody and everything about them. I was in the seventh grade and our campus was on the high school premises. With us seventh grader going to school with the older upper classmen, we knew a lot about the different cliques and groups in the town. One thing we never heard of were gangs, and it was even crazy to think of them. One day, just like any other normal day, my friends and I sat at our usual lunch table and someone said something about tomorrow there was going to be a shoot-out on anybody wearing blue or white. Everybody wore blue or white those were the colors of our uniforms! I mean it was crazy- talk. Gangs! Shoot-out! Gosh, I was terrified to go to school the next day. As I arrive at school, half the people in my classes were gone, and more students were being called down to be picked-up. Thankfully, my father came to pick me and my sister up, me from the high school campus, her from the elementary school. The streets from there to there were completely packed of frantic parents going to claim their kids before anything were to happen!!

 I learned that day from friends, that the people claiming to do this, never did, and were mostly made up of Mexican-Americans. The school was not very diverse in its cultures and no one paid much attention to how people treated each other. In a majority white school, the clash between the two cultures was really huge. Many people treated the other kids badly, like they didn’t meet up to their standards, and I believe that’s why they would’ve started this whole thing. It was to show that, Hey, we’re here too and if you notice me for how I look and  not by how I really am on the inside then notice me like this. It showed me how greatly how a difference in cultures can bring a lot of controversy into a community and a neighborhood.

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