Sunday, December 12, 2010

. my winter poem .

               Holding down the window blind and seeing outside for the very first time,
Noticing the white flakes falling between the cars
A snowman or two, and maybe three, all made by children full of glee
Cause you see it’s snow out there, chilling up the daytime air
Flakes that fall upon your hair
Lets run outside and take a look
Wind blowing the snow off the roof, catching it with our tongues
Coming back in is a chore, wanting to stay out for some more
Snowflakes in a winter blow

Okay this is my first draft of my Winter Poem. CRITIQUES! I neeeeeeeeeed them. Other than that ENJOY!

. you are who i am most thankful for! .

So this blog is a great one because I really get to show who I am thankful which is great for the Thanksgiving holiday, even though this blog is uber late. Well I really have to say out of many great classmates; Berenice Alcantar is who I am most thankful for.  You, yes you are the awesomest friend, classmate ever! We have really been there for each other, whether it be in the classroom or out of the classroom. You can make me laugh and even make sure I have all my journals. Oh I can tell you everything and not feel weird because most people have opinions  and you don’t you just listen my crazy stories. Oh and Division!!!!! Division is fun and I always have to save you from the Wrath of Mr. C, haha not really but still fun! And to really think of it we only became friends this year, well not just friends but like Great Awesometastic(I know this word isn’t real but I like it) friend. I mean we hung out like a few times but I think this class really made us even  closer than I had expected. Well Berenice I hope you read this and see all the great things I lub about you!!! <3 and again This Is who I am thankful this very late Thanksgiving season!