Wednesday, March 30, 2011

. modern propaganda .

Modern Propaganda – n.
information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc. ( of the modern times)
Propaganda can be used to persuade a group of people that they should be thinking some way other than one. Modern Propaganda is the new wave of how to use propaganda. By naming it modern really just states how it gets around now. It used to come through the public by posters and newspapers, but modern technology has changed all that! Modern Propaganda can be found really anywhere. If it is not in the newspapers or on posters throughout the city, it would be on the internet or seen on the television. As there are many examples, one recently is a perfect for this. The recent mayoral election had much propaganda run against the candidates. When the mayoral candidates began to run their campaigns, they each had a little to say about the others’ campaign. One of the first campaign attacks was from Gary Chico against Rahm Emanuel.  He attacked his idea of proposing to slash the Sales Tax by a quarter cent while adding some to luxury services that are not taxed currently, such as limo rides, tanning parlors, charter jet rides, pet grooming, etc. Now Chico came out with saying that this idea was crazy and would really only negatively affect the middle class. Now this was a perfect example of Modern Propaganda because of its use of television, the internet, and citywide campaigning.


. reponse to black boy .

                All Righty, Black Boy response.
Well, I have read the whole thing and have got to say, it was good. I will admit it took me a while to get through the whooole book but well worth it. The life of Richard Wright is filled with heartache, sadness, and surprises. The relationships he has with his family is actually very surprising to how upsetting it is. I can recall the part of when Richard and his Grandmother are attending one of the masses. Richard had told his Grandmother something about an angel, but his Grandmother takes it out of context and thinks he SEES an angel. When his Grandmother tells the pastor, Richard is not sure what to do and when he denies having seeing the angel, his Grandmother is devastated and then later Richard can then realizes he is truly dead to her. This really shocked me, I mean I had seen how much his Grandmother really did not like him, but then to see how much more she had not want to speak to him again.  
                The rest of the book also has much of the same things with his Grandmother and aunts and uncles. He struggles with a hard life and never really gets a fulliment out of it. He is always hungry and that was a word that really struck me in the novel. Being hungry was all about Richards’ life because if he was not hungry physically than it was academically or mentally. The overall response to Black boy was it was a good autobiography and thought it was sad and inspiring because in all those problems he managed to get out of it.