Tuesday, January 25, 2011

. king still king.

  17 January 2011.
This is the day; most students get off to celebrate the birthday of one person who may have well help changed American society. This man is Martin Luther King Jr.; he was part of the biggest Civil Rights Movement of its time. He brought the issue of segregation and prejudice against all colored people in the country to light. Yes, he has influenced and changed our society and the greater, but is he still relevant in this time. Even Jan. 17th, do people even recognize this as a day to celebrate this great man or to sleep in and watch the morning, afternoon, and evening cartoons?
                I believe that MLK’s ideas are still thought of. Yes, it would be ignorant to say racism and prejudices have ALL disappeared but it has not. We have all learned of him and taught to treat everyone with the same e     quality. Through teaching these morals through him, everyone knew the right and wrong of treating people differently because of their colored skin. His ideas still show us how to be civil in our ways. So yes, I think he is still the relevant, not known by his name maybe, but his ideas are held true. Maybe everyone should actually relearn about him and instead of watching cartoons all day of his birthday, enlighten themselves on the works of Doctor King.
I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. “
“I have a dream today!”

. children of the sea . edwidge danticat .

Recently reading Children of the Sea by Edwidge Danticat, it was so good. I think this is mostly coming from someone who really has not read any good stories in a long time. No offense, Mr. McCarthy. The story was between two lovers in the form of letters. They tell of their lives in that time. The guy on the sea trying to seek freedom and the girl living in a horrific Haiti. The country in fear, the guy leaves the country to seek freedom and safety and the girl left behind with a family who did not want to make trouble. How to live in that kind of life? To be in fear of your life every day or to be tortured and harmed horribly? In the letters from the girl to the guy is when she tells of this. I found all these things to be so scary and unrealistic, but after some research, I knew it was. I personally like this type of story. A short story but in dialogue or first person. It makes the story more realistic. This story, even though not coming from a first person experience, showed an amazingly close first experience by how skilled the writer was. To come from two unlike situations and to put them together to give off two different situations, like from on a boat and to be in the middle of a country in crisis. Danticat brilliantly showed how two characters sides and how they were living and opinions they held. All in All, a great great story!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

. jay and nick .

                Jay Gatsby and Nick Carroway. In the Great Gatsby, these two are made out to really get along, but in looking deeper, maybe they really are not. Gatsby, firsts becomes in contact with Nick, when he invites him to onw of his extravagant parties. When Nick arrives, Gatsby introduces himself and they become acquainted. It is not until Gatsby finds out Nick is related to Daisy Buchanan, a long lost love of Gatsby, that I start to think hey maybe Gatsby really just wants to start to become close to Nick to get to Daisy! I felt that, wow; maybe Gatsby is a user and is tricking Nick into liking him. I know though Nick isn’t a dumb guy and he would know that Gatsby is using him, and he seems to see that in Chapter 5 at the very end, when he says, “They had forgotten me, but Daisy glanced up and held out her hand; Gatsby didn’t know me now at all.” Gatsby was so fixed by being with Daisy again that he did not even look down to wave goodbye to the person who helped him find his way into Daisy’s arms again! Although I did find it strange that later on Nick does say that Gatsby turned out “all right” and I guess he still thought him to be a good person of character, which would be why Nick still had a good relationship with Gatsby. So for me I think that Nick and Gatsby were good friends. I think that Gatsby was using him but he still wanted to be friends with Nick. Kind of hard to figure but that’s what I think is true.